Economic Amorous Talk
Video, Politics, Money

By changing its contexts, this work reappropriates in an ironic way the vocabulary that tends to invade more and more every aspect of our daily life.

The vocabulary of this dialogue is extracted from different economy articles in the dayly and weekly press from the beginning of the 2000s.
The project continues and is updated with the new words having appeared since the crisis 2008.

The dialogue is told, proclaimed or murmured by a couple of actors, in amourous, tender, passionate ways ... The words are accompagnied by all sorts of appropriate exclamations, sighs and noises ...

 Oh you, my groundbreaking discount ...
 Enhance my shareholder value !
 Arouse my stock exchange index ...
 Take me in your arms, my last minute bit !
 Don’t leave me, expanding economy ...
 You are my tax haven, my offshore paradise ...
 Caress my break-even point !
 Give me your added value ...
 I can feel your remedy against inflation !
 You are my Dow Jones ...
 My nasty little Nasdaq, you !
 Let my turnover explose !
 You’re my rocketing interest rates !
 My single currency ...
 You’re my pay off !
 Show me your marketing strategy !
 Oh, please swap my credit default !